
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Perspectives on Web 2.0 and libraries

Web 2.0 applications make my life easier.  In 2006, when these articles were written, I would not have made that statement.  I hardly knew what web 2.0 meant, much less use it.  I think these articles were progressive and quite accurate based on how libraries look today.

I was on board with the majority of the perspectives I read about, but I have to admit that they went a little over my head as well.  Into a New World of Librarianship stressed that libraries must be user centered.  Library decisions should not only take users into consideration, but should have users as active participants in decision making.  Lastly, the library must embrace web 2.0 applications and change with technology in a timely manner.  This was the article that most closely mirrored my own thoughts about web 2.0.  With so many users struggling to use the library effectively,  it is about time users were put first! 

To a Temporary Place in Time touched on the history of libraries and what libraries of the future may look like.  I have lived through the "libraries are buildings and books are commodities" mindset, and I am now experiencing the attempt to have the library be everywhere with an emphasis on user participation.  OK time for true confessions:  I did give second life a try once.  As my avatar was walking to the library, it fell into a fountain and was unable to get out.  It is probably still there today.  My feeling is that we have a long way to go to make the 3D experience user friendly.  Then I was just lost altogether when there was mention of a "knowledge spa" library experience.  I don't know what that means, but it sure sounds nice!


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